How to handle Dating and Marriage challenges with Projected Empathy

How to handle your relationship (Dating and Marriage) challenges with Projected empathy...

I am going to be sentimental here. Are you struggling with a non understanding husband, wife, boy friend or in a dating relationship with a difficult person, or having hard time being understood by your partner? Is he or she a drunk, have bad habits etc. 

And you have tried to without success.  Do not worry as there is light at the.end of the tunnel. 

The most simplest success method of solving most marital or relationship issues is by chaging yourself instead of changing your partner. And one way to do this is to go the extra mile by applying Principle of Projected Empathy.

Empathy is showing compassion. Do.not pass judgement on your partner or focus on his/her weaknesses. You are not going or marry a perfect person. 

Projected Empathy is carrying yourself and placing it inside your partner and carrying your partner inside you and seeing a situation from that perspective. Instead of judging someone, place yourself as him and see the situation the other way round. For example, if your husband is a drunk, instead of nagging, fighting, reporting him to everyone around or talking down his ego, love him and project yourself to be him in that situation. 

Confrontation bring anarchy, yet empathy.brings peace. Empathy will make you see the reason he is doing what doing. I often say.see his attitude, behaviour or challenges as a sickness and the right treatments.

To cure cancer, you from the root. Focussing and attacking the root of his.or her challenging weakness instead of making a.mole out will make.him/her.change. This means you.need to change for him/her to change.

Change how you react to his/her behaviour, show more love, patience, and be prayerful. And use nice words plus reasons with your partner why and how to change a habit, behaviour or an act for a.better life and family.

More Blessings
Keep Alive!

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