How to have a lasting peace in life

Spirituality is incomplete or is absent when you are not thriving in peace. Three times I will repeat it here: Forgive, Forgive, Forgive.

When you live a life of forgiveness, you live a life of peace that pass all understanding. Money cannot buy peace but peace can buy money.

Not living in peace means you will start living in fear, stress, depression and ultimately death.
Like it or not, there is a higher power, a Godhead, the Universe or Reality and you are an expression of that force of trinity ( Spirit Soul and Body). Peace brings order. The earth rotates in its axis, the sun, moon and stars, day and night are doing their jobs on daily basis in order, I mean peacefully without your notice. This should be the way of man. 

When you are humiliated, keep peace and don't react, when there is an argument, keep peace (you win some days), when trouble comes keep peace. 

When tough situation comes, ask yourself: How will Jesus, Buddha, Paul Twichel, Rabada Tas, Socrates , Mandela, Gandhi etc react to this situation. If it does not work, then ask the ultimate question: How will the Universe, Reality, God Almighty react to this situation. This will help you to be calm.

When I speak, counsel or visualize people, and I ask them to just forgive and have peace, some will tell me its hard to practice. But its not true. Its a way of life. Its about your decision. Make it and live it.

I know you can. I want you to have a mind shift and be Happy.

Peace be to your life

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