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15 Rules I ldecided to live by, and that has helped me

We all have times of good and bad in life. But in all, life is just very sweet and wonderful. I personally discovered that to live to the fullest, you must be strong willed and take time to work yourself to keep getting better. I don't pretend. But I took a conscious decision after studying men like Buddha, Jesus, Awolowo, Mandela and a host of others. I decided to have rules I live by. Its mine. It is personal. But it has also helped me to live happily on this seminar call earth.
So these are rules I live by.

1. I read my bible every day to learn more about God because I know I am a spirit being.

2. I never worry about Money as worry will not bring it, instead, I create conscious streams of income. Some work well and some don't work. I will concentrate on what works.

3. I am on earth to impact on lives as that is the real reason I was created. So I share my knowledge and make money. 

4. I live a very simple and natural life of Vegetables and natural diet and stick to it. It has helped me heal sicknesses when I discovered them.

5. I decided to forgive people I make relationship with from the day we start having a relationship. So when they offend me in the future, I don't get offended as I have forgiven them before we started the relationship.

6. I do not care what people's opinion about me is, so long as I am convinced I am doing the right thing.

7. I am on earth to improve it and leave it in a better place.

8. I read three books on weekly basis and must read for 30 minutes each morning and night.

9. I write everyday on things that can improve humanity and myself too. 

10. I take responsibility for anything that happens to me, good or bad. This way I am free.

11. I will never be the person that I don't want to be. I will never be jealous, petty or envious of the next person.

12. I am adventurous and will keep learning anything that comes to my mind to learn. I believe knowledge is power. 

13. I will never own a TV anymore so I don't have one and don't watch. I have not watched for long. It distract me and I don't want to see negative news and trends.

14. My parents have trained me to their best ability and I don't hold anything against them, even in their inadequacies. They never had a PHD in parenting, even if they were both Teachers. 

15. I chose to live happily concentrating on my strength that God gave to me and will never think of things I don't have, or things I cannot change. 

These are 15 ways I consciously decided to live by and they help me. What are yours?

Rules by others from Facebook Reaction:

Angelina Brathwaite This is just brilliant. Thanks for sharing . Mine is pretty much the same !! So much loving Nos 12, 13!! One of my rules I am living by.
1. I meditate every morning ,read a daily text and affirm positive thoughts.
I practice yoga and meditate on a
daily basis as I believe in keeping the mind still and at peace.

I eat right and exercise daily and believe in taking care of my temple. I am passionate about wellness and I preach and live it .

I come from a family where Education is key ,graduates so I continue to seek Growth,Knowledge. I believe. Knowledge is wealth .

I seek to learn something new every year as my on going professional development.

I love giving and I am involved in lots of charitable work. I believe in making that difference to planet earth.

Remi Joshua Adigun Nice Writeup. I Go For A Walk Every Morning. I Meditate On The Word Of God, Pray And Encourage Myself In The Lord. 

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