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Three basic requirement of making good bread and how to make it

I have been asked several times what good bread is by both home and commercial bakers.  Baking is an art that is very creative. It needs patience, knowledge and practice to know what works. However, there are three basic things you will have to have going for you if you have to make good bread.

It does not matter if you are making Philippines’ pan de sal, Chiness or Swedish bread, or pure Asian breads, French or even bread for the black African Americans, Australia, UK it basically has three important steps. Even if you are going to set up a Micro Bread Bakery from home, shop or from your kitchen, you are going to learn how to use the right ingredients

Right Ingredients:

The first one is ingredients and this comes without hesitation. The quality of your baked bread is dependent on the flour and salt quality. Miss this and your bread is not going to have the right flavor, taste and feel. It is therefore important that you will have to take your time to search for ingredients, “ingredients and find good flour and good salt” are according to Swedish Bread revolution and crusader Sébastien Boudet of brodpassion. Most people are not bringing out the best bread because of using sterile and dead bread. With my experience, I have seen fellow bakers as well as" it’s because the flour is totally sterile.

The only way to get a real result about this is to understand how to know about quality ingredients and salt.

Right Kneading:
The second most important aspect is right kneading. I am a proponent of natural or handmade bread. Kneading with hand will give you a greater and better loaf than machine kneading. And kneading right in terms of not kneading too much will also affect the quality. Never knead too much. Autolyse which is a type of dough starter is also important for a great kneading. It has been known that when you have a longer autolyse up to 2 hours, you are able to have great bread. In fact, it has also been known that during the 17th and 18th century, the above methods were being used to produce great dough. Work and connect with your dough.

Slow fermentation and sourdough: 
The third most important thing in bread baking is fermentation and sourdough. A slower fermentation gives bread its taste, value and body resistant to some diseases.  It should be noted that with the recent trend in food science, especially raw food diets, this era has gained great insights into nutritional values of food.

Slow bread fermentation has been scientifically proven to be more nutritious with the finding of phytic acid which is an acid present in various kinds of flours and also fixes minerals such as iron, copper, and zinc, as well as the vitamin D, making them mostly unavailable for the person consuming the flour. 

Its been seen that with the consumption of raw diets, is that phytic acid breaks down when the flour and water are allowed to stay in contact for 12 to 15 hours.  This is why most people who make raw food using flour always put water to stay for 12 hours first to breakdown the phytic acid. This is exactly what happens in bread fermentation. And this is why making sourdough for your bread is much more better to allow the combination of water and flour to breakdown the phytic acid. This leads to letting free of all the vitamins and minerals and the bread ends up better, Truth is that these vitamins are already in the flour and so you may not need to add more when you ferment for long hours. And the if your yeast is fresh and too quick, you will not be able to get those vitamins.

The other thing about slow fermentation in bread baking is that it brings change in glycemic index or GI. White, industrial bread has a very bad reputation for rising the GI but not same with slow fermented bread. Bread that is allowed to proof for over 24 hours will give you a good blood sugar and you can stay full and alive.

To know how to set up a micro bakery from home and bake even 2, or 100 to 300 loafs per day from home, you need to apply the principles of  right ingredients to your baking

Full articles on  bread baking tutorials

How To Setup a Micro Bread Bakery From Home with Micro Oven: Micro Bakery Black book

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