11 deliberate ways to live longer and healthier by choice. Live longer than 100

I do know that almost everyone of us want to live longer, healthier and enjoy life up to 100 years and even over.  The best way to do this is to take care of your well being in terms of food and nutrition as well as good personal self care.

Following are 11 deliberate ways to take a choice to live  and prolong your life, live longer and healthier.

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1. Take Foods that are rich in Vitamin C on daily basis:  A choice to eat food rich in vitamin C adequately will help lower and prevent the risk of cancer and other related diseases.   The best sources of vitamin C are oranges, tomatoes, tangerines, peppers, mustard greens, cabbage, blackberries, grapefruit, kiwifruit and mangoes. The best way to know what vitamin and other food to eat is to learn how to eat to live rather than living to eat

 2. Take a glass of nearly orange juice daily: A glass of orange juice will daily supply vitamin C. Squeezed oranges into juice has most of the vitamin C retained than canned juices. If you drink canned juice always, check “best before” dates.

3.   Become a Semi-Vegetarian: Vegetarianism is now a way of life and it can help prolong your life. A semi-vegetarian is someone who supplements a steady diet of vegetables, grains, fruits and dairy products with moderate and occasional servings of poultry, beef, and fish. In fact, if you can live with eliminating poultry and beef and live on fish, vegetables, you will prolong your life even longer.

4.   If you have frequent headache, avoid tyramine – If you do have frequent headache, then you should check your food and beverages that you take. Food like ripe cheese, chocolate and most fresh baked yeast food have their source from a natural occurring chemical called tyramine. This chemical results in dilating blood vessels in the brain.

5. Cut back foods containing hydrogenated food: Trans fats resulting in hydrogenated foods such as margarine and other processed foods increase the risk of heart diseases. It is important that you substitute vegetable oils in cooking with butter.

6.  Help Your Heart by eating fish:  It is important you know that eating fish twice or thrice a week will prevent heart attack. Fish covering contains a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid called Omega-3s which gives it a value and it helps in your body when consumed.

7 Use Lemon Juice drops to cut down salt : Salt is not good when taken in large quantity. It is therefore important you cut it down.  To cut salt intake down, use lemon juice drop which give food not only good flavor but also live,

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8   Drink Tea regularly to prevent cancer and tooth decay: Tea contains lot of fluoride which help in fighting tooth decay. Tea also contains a substance called polyphenols which is an anti-oxidant that fight in cancer prevention.
9 Quit Smoking Now: If you smoke, you need to quit now. You need to take a decision now, Research carried out by Framingham Heart Study’s 26 year follow-up over 4,000 subjects concluded that irrespective and independent of other factors, “the risk of death from smoke increases as the number of cigarettes smoked increases” and by quitting, smokers will reduce the risk almost completely in five years. One of the best ways to quit smoking that has worked well is that developed by Los Angeles the Hypnotherapist Kery Gator who have helped several celebrities including Aaron Eckhart, Ed Norton, Emily Procter, Jerry Ferrara, Katie Cassidy and Martin Sheen to  quit smoking. The Kerry Gaynor Method - The Doctor Recommended way to QUITSMOKING FOR LIFE - No withdrawals, Cravings, or Weight Gain, guaranteed - StopSmoking and Start Living and take control of your health today.

10. Never Suppress Your Sneeze as it can cause infections: Holding your breath, sealing your lip and pinching your nose while sneezing will no doubt cause very strong pressure on your nose and throat and cause infections in your ears.

11. Exercise against aging: Regular exercise prevents most commonly associated issue of aging. Taking a brisk walk for 30 minutes thrice weekly will not only add years to your life, but it will certainly add life to your years. If you have high blood pressure, it is also important that you carry out exercise such as cycling and brisk walking too. 

There is no alternative to aging young and healthy and becoming an asset to your children when you are old with sound health and living longer

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