How to cook Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Ghana bitter leaf soup. Good for Liver Cleansing and Blood pressure regulator

Bitter leaf soup is one of the best soups in Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Ghana, South Africa and other places. Aside the good taste of bitter leaf when eaten with Eba, Fufu, FunFun, Banku, Semovita, Corn meal, Poundedyam, even Kenke, it has a very useful value in health as it helps in the toning of the vital organs of the body especially the liver and the kidney. 

It is therefore very useful to eat bitter leaf soup to take care of the liver. It also helps in taking care of the kidney. Bitter leaf soup can also be used as  food in preventing  high sugar level in the blood. 


In this article on Food Recipe Section, we are presenting today how to prepare Bitterlef Soup which in Yoruba is called Efo Ewuro and in Ibo, it is called Ofe Onugbu.
What You Should Know

Most people would think on a first note that the name bitter leaf soup will imply that the soul will be bitter. No.  A well prepared bitter leaf soup is not bitter as you will think. 

You should be able to achieve making sweet bitter leaf soup  by first squeezing and washing the leaves while you keep changing the water till the trace of bitterness is off.

Required Ingredients
  • Washed and squeezed bitter leaf - A handful – If you do not see fresh bitter leaves where you live, you could use dried bitter leaves too.
  • 8 Sizable cocoyam , bulbo-tuber (you could also use potato flour or cocoyam flour if you do not live in Nigeria where cocoyam is just everywhere
  • 3 Spoonful of Red Palm Oil(This should be the size of cooking spoon)
  • Assorted Beef: Shaki, Kidney, Intestine etc
  • Assorted Fish: This could include both dry fish and stock fish
  • Fresh Pepper, salt and grounded crayfish to give it taste.
  • 3 stock cubes
  • 1 teaspoon seasoning Ogiri (traditional magi seasoning). This is however optional but you could also use magi in the absence of ogiri

Please Note Before you cook Bitter leaf Soup
  1. You should be sure the bitter leaves are washed very well to remove bitter tste. Otherwise, you need to continue to wash nd squeeze until the bitter taste is off. If you bought the half squeezed bitter leaves from the market, make sure you boil it for between 10 to 20 minutes and then wash it in cold water before usage.

  1. For the cocoyam, bulbo-tuber you will need to cook it to softness and then mash it with a mortar till it turn smooth and in paste.

  1. Boil the fish and the beef in one liter of water till they are well done. Boil the shaki (cow tripe), stock fish and dry fish in 1 litre of water till they are well done.
  2. When the meat is done, add 3 cubes of Maggi / Knorr and continue cooking for or 5 minutes.
  3. It is time for you to add your ground pepper, ground crayfish, the coco yam paste (in small lumps bits),   bitter leaves and the palm oil.
  4. Cover the pot and cook on high heat till coco yam lumps have dissolved fully. Add water to lighten the thickness if you prefer.
  5. Add salt to taste and then food is ready.

Serve with Eba, Funfun, Fufu, Akpu, Wheat, Amala, Banku, Kenke etc

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